Kara Robinson
Kara decided to pursue a degree in Audiology as she has a deep interest in human biology. She stumbled across the audiology profession after researching possible post graduate degrees. She decided it was the perfect mix of human biology, interacting with clients and technology. After deciding to study Audiology after completing her undergraduate degree, Kara moved to Melbourne for 2 years where she completed her Master of Clinical Audiology degree.
Since completing her Audiology degree in 2017, Kara has focused on the adult rehabilitation sector of audiology. She now has over 5 years experience in this area. Kara enjoys interacting with her clients and keeping up with the constantly changing technology.
Kara joined Expert Hearing Care as she has always wanted to work for a company that is not owned by a manufacturer. This means that she can provide her clients with unbiased opinions about hearing aid technology. She also believes in supporting local businesses.